Correct scissor tension is crucial for accurate hair removal and must be checked regularly, especially with in the first 60-90 days of use as the internal pivoting washers are in there settling phase.
- Hold stationary blade parallel to the floor with thumb facing up.
- Open scissor with thumb and let drop.
- Check closure distance.
-If scissor closed more than halfway the tension is too loose and needs to be tightened.
-If scissor remain halfway open or more the tension should be ok.

Your RD scissors will come with a tension key in the case that will allow you to tighten or loosen the scissors tension. Align the key gaps to accommodate your specific model and adjust accordingly. Not all scissors require a tension key as they may have a built in finger tensioner.
Proper scissor maintenance is critical to the life and health of your scissors. Although the metal itself is stainless and incredibly durable, the internals and blade edges are more fragile. Removing debris from the blades will keep you from chipping or destroying the edges by not trying to cut through any foreign material besides hair. Similarly clearing out in between the blades near the pivot point will keep the internal washers and bearings operating smoothly.
-Wipe debris from scissors with soft towel.
-Spray pivot area with (computer) duster spray.
Brush on specially formulated RD Blade Maintainer with its custom application dispenser. Cover the interior blades and in between the pivot area the best you can and both top and bottom around pivot tension areas.
Debris should continually be removed from scissors especially between clients, and oiling should be performed at the end of each day at a minimum. The more you take care of your scissors the longer they will stay sharp and cutting smooth.
First follow these 3 steps:
- Thoroughly clean your scissors
- Properly oil all areas of your scissor
- Set accurate tension in your scissors
Do they cut accurate again or are they still having an issue? Most of the time these 3 steps remedies the problem, but if not your scissor will need to be serviced.
Please go to our SHARPENING page under SCISSORS for details on our recommended sharpeners. Click Here